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 September 2024 Meeting


The next meeting of the South Missouri Chapter of VHPA will be held on September 14th at Jack Stack’s Freight House restaurant located at 101 W. 22nd St. in downtown Kansas City.

The meeting will take place from 1100 to 1400 hrs. We will enjoy their signature barbecue buffet that includes 3 meats, beans, coleslaw, cheesy corn bake, coffee and iced tea. The cost will be $30. Please let John Sorensen know if you are going to attend, with the number in your party, NLT September 4th. His email is


Our speaker will be LTC Adrienne Spadavecchia. Having joined the Missouri Guard in 1999, she is now the Commander of the 935th Aviation Support Battalion of the Missouri Army National Guard. In her fulltime capacity, she is an advisor to the Missouri Adjutant General responsible for Strategic Plans. She is an Apache pilot, a UH60-A/L pilot and is currently attending the UH60-M course. LTC Spadavecchia's military experience includes deployments to Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan as an attack aviator. She will speak to us about the future of Army Aviation.


At the close of the meeting, I will pass the Chapter flag to Roy Irwin who will become our next President. After his first tour in Vietnam with the 71st Assault Helicopter Company, he became the Commander of the Ft McClellan Aviation Detachment where he became fixed wing rated. During his second tour he was the Group Aviation Safety Officer for the 17th Combat Aviation Group. After leaving the Army in 1971, Roy held many positions in commercial aviation Including flying Hughes 500s off tuna fishing boats in the South Pacific for 4 years. Roy has many achievements in his long aviation career, both military and civilian. He will serve the Chapter very well.


It has been a distinct honor to serve as the President of the South Missouri Chapter. Though I have not met everyone, I have the highest respect for every member, knowing that each of you served our Country with distinction, often under difficult and challenging conditions. Thank you for your continued support of the Chapter and VHPA as we strive to enhance the legacy and valor of rotary wing aviators who flew in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam era.


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Tel. (314) 660-0821

The South Missouri Chapter of VHPA (VHPASMO) is an independent organization not under the control of VHPA nor authorized to act as an agent for or representative of the VHPA.


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